About Us
Conveniently located in the city of Reading in Berks County, Pennsylvania, Manor at Market Square features the diversity of an urban community and sits within close proximity to many nearby attractions, businesses and eateries, including Berks Encore, Senior Advocacy Center, the Santander Arena, the Santander Performing Arts Center, City Park and Bandshell, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, IMAX movie theater, Reading Area Community College, Historical Society of Berks County, and more!
Among these establishments is a hidden gem called Manor at Market Square. Our senior community provides an affordable, home-like environment for independent, older adults and those requiring some level of personal care.
Resident and Family Reviews
My father was at Manor At Market Square. I think the facility was lovely. There were huge windows, and all the furnishings were beautiful. Everything was extremely clean. The hallways, and the door looked right you’re in a very nice hotel. It really was very nice. I was extremely pleased with the rooms. Each person had a bedroom, a television, and you could put furniture in there. They shared a bath, and then they had a kitchenette and enough room to put a kitchen table. I thought it was extremely reasonable. I was pleased with it. They really bent over backwards to be accommodating.
It’s a difference you can feel